The practice and procedures of the CervicalCheck Tribunal are governed by and set out in the Rules of Procedure. All forms that are required to be completed for the issuing and progressing of claims before the Tribunal are available in the Appendix to the Rules.
The Tribunal has issued three Practice Directions to date. Practice Direction 01 relates to the filing of documents, electronically, and to the holding of hearings, remotely. Practice Direction 02 sets out the time limits that are to be allocated to the various stages of a Determination Hearing. Practice Direction 03 deals with recording of proceedings before the Tribunal and with the question of access to the records of proceedings or parts thereof by relevant parties. The Tribunal’s Rules of Procedure and its Practice Directions can be accessed here
Flowcharts have been prepared identifying the relevant steps in Tribunal proceedings from the issuing of a claim to the delivery of a determination. These flowcharts set out the relevant processes and stages both in respect of new claims and in respect of claims which are already the subject of court proceedings. Flowcharts setting out the relevant steps to be taken in respect of adducing evidence, both expert and non-expert, and in respect of the procedures for discovery, interrogatories and admissions have also been prepared. Flowcharts can be accessed here.
Data Protection Procedures of the CervicalCheck Tribunal have been established pursuant to the provisions of Section 39 of the CervicalCheck Tribunal Act 2019. These Data Protection Procedures can be accessed here
Practice & Procedure

Making A Claim
Information on eligibility and how to initiate a claim

Practice & Procedure
Information on the Tribunal's practices and procedures, including the Tribunal's Rules, Forms and Processes

Links to documents referred to on this website including reports and legislation relevant to the Tribunal